arts -
visual and performing, comprehensive platform to display and audition
your talents
australian psycho - psychobabble - all in the mind
- 'Joey' club - advice and info
exchange, new products, parenting chatrooms, support groups, links,
directories, diaries and more
backpacker -
swaggies - all the stuff you
can't fit into your backpack, info, deals, data, message boards,
chatrooms, products, log in and keep your family/cobbers posted -
ozemart and backpacker buy & sell/swap - post your own videos -
vacancies, accommodation, fares, bonzer deals, etc
beautyspot -
this section will go beyond the epidermis - all matters to do with inner
well-being as well as external beauty-- comprehensive emag, product
testing, launches, advice, info exchange, wholistic and therapeutic and
cruelty-free products will also be reviewed and discussed - post your
own family recipes
blindspot -
will include a section called ' Optic Nerve ' contributed by colleagues
who are blind and have varying degrees of vision - as well as sighted
contributors - all are invited to participate - and in due course,
interactive data, technology, multi-language programmes will be
deployed - this site is devoted to facilitating and compiling inter
-active services, articles, topics, research and issues, chatrooms,
teaching programmes and communications aids for those of us who are
blind, who have vision problems, are unable to read English - or other
languages - and who, in fact, may be illiterate. There will be a major
audio and verbal component to this section - as requested by
participants in our research programme. We are mindful that whilst
there are new cutting edge technologies available, not all of us can
afford them and the touchphone and mobile phone will continue to provide
and increasing role in these communication. Aural and braille
capabilities will be in place so that you can have your own say in
matters and participate in public debate online and in chatrooms and
contribute to community issues and legislation. Also Q & A and numerous
links and support sites.
business -
comprehensive businessdirectory and listings, also AGM - post your own
annual general meeetings,etc and annual reports on planet oz media -
exciting columnists and chatrooms - BIOs, employment sections, CeeVee
postings, advice, info exchange, support, links, tenders. Also includes
CEO - interviews with Oz CEOs working in Australia and offshore.
Biographical data, advice, tips and more
box office -
what's on everywhere - amateur and professional - all major and minor
events, news, reviews, post your own info online - all community
productions/events are welcome and we are relying on you to post these
activities - includes a section called BOS ( bums on seats ) - you can
also promote auditions - dedicated directory that will include
drama/dance/music classes/courses et al - also online classes; post your
own audition/Brag tapes - to B or not to B - surely that's not in
question !
Cinema reviews,
listings, articles, archives
caravan -
trailer flash, maisonettes de wheels and all matters pertaining to
holiday and nomadic traditions - that now command a different kind of
camel power - diaries, interest groups, products, fave raves, working
holidays, sites, deals on wheels, all of this and more of that - also
employment opportunities while you're on the road - including volunteer
and teaching possibilities working with NGOs and philanthropic/community
groups and projects. All good.
carers -
all carers and all responsibility - where would Oz be without you! Yes,
you save the Nation billions of dollars in unpaid wages - but you save
also the Nation's collective soul. This site will be shaped by you -
organisations, support groups, chatrooms, personal stories, links,
products, notice board, legislation
cbd&cbd -
City Business District & Country Business District. At planetozmedia we
believe in bridging The Great Dividing Range that is often imposed
between metropolitan/regional Australia. We're not having a Marble Bar
of it!
clobber -
fashion/clothing directory that will be a salute to Oz fashion both here
and O.S., catwalk - and ' dogwalk ' - planetozmedia will be doing runway
reviews and collection critiques and we will be reliant on you doing the
same ! Post your own designs and we are particularly interested in
student contributors to our ' Cutting Edge ' section where we'll post
interviews with designers, wholesalers, photocraphers, stylists,
merchandisers, products, online sales and bargains, classes, chatrooms,
fabrics, ' pins and pricks, ' fashion clubs - this section will not be
confined solely to mainstream and/or ' western' fashion. You decide!
cobbers -
directory and friends network, find cobbers you've lost contact with -
schoolmates, workmates, exlovers - lost and found section - of course,
you can remain 'lost' if that suits you!
communications/editorials and opinions
community -
one of our bigger sections that will include all facets of community
life and designed by you - we will address community print and
electronic media, and ethnic media - directory listings of community
groups and organisations, links, contacts - community leadership groups,
mentoring, project listings, employment opportunities
corroboree -
includes section called ' Indigenious ' - indigenous performing and
visual arts listings ( will also be included in other sections )
songlines, story lines, totems, profiles and bookings, links, articles,
online classes/chatrooms, links
and local histories,
interviews posted, project collation including gathering of anecdotal
and oral histories from Elders by young community members, links, multi
media, electronic and print capabilities, Reconciliation issues will be
a critical aspect of the site, indigenous participation and all are
invited to contribute.
directory -
ozepedia - comprehensive listings including personal, business,
governments, municipalities, organisations, charities, volunteers,
philanthropic, support agencies - all States and Territories - all
welcome - links invited.
finance -
sections include, money talks, lucre, brass s razzoo and other sections
geographical data
more to be added.